Forum composition and selection process
The Consultation Forum has 27 members: 18 citizens and 9 individuals with specific expertise in health and welfare.
Citizen Members
As much as possible, the Forum should reflect the diversity of Quebec’s population in terms of gender parity as well as regional, generational, sociocultural, ethnocultural and linguistic representation.
Citizens Members must not represent any special interest group and must not be working in the health and social services network. All Forum members must also demonstrate that they are motivated and have a strong interest in information sharing, discussion and deliberation.
Confirm whether you are eligible to apply as a Citizen Member and learn more about the selection process before submitting your application.

Expert members
The 9 Expert Members have specific expertise in the health and welfare sector, such as medicine, nursing or ethics. Confirm whether you are eligible to apply as an Expert Member and learn more about the selection process before submitting your application.
The CSBE strives to ensure that the health and social services sectors are as equally represented as possible. Expert members must also demonstrate a commitment to civic engagement and a strong interest in information sharing, discussion and deliberation.

The Consultation Forum of the Health and Welfare Commissioner
Why have a Consultation Forum?
The Consultation Forum provides a democratic perspective to the CSBE’s approach. Its 27 members are a unique source of information to inform the CSBE’s work. Members share their values, views, experiences and knowledge through discussion and deliberation.
The Consultation Forum was created in accordance with the Act respecting the Health and Welfare Commissioner. It is based on the premise that identifying systemic obstacles to the effective performance of the health and social services system requires collaboration between all stakeholders in Quebec society, including its citizens.

What is the Health and Welfare Commissioner?
The Health and Welfare Commissioner is a public body that assesses the performance of Quebec’s health and social services system. In other words, the Commissioner determines whether the system is providing the population with the care and services they need, when they need them.
To do so, the CSBE analyzes various aspects of the system, such as how it operates, the resources (personnel, costs, etc.) that make up the system, the policies that govern it and the results it achieves. The Commissioner then advises the government on how to improve the system and informs the public about key health and welfare issues.

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